A demo of a small set of scripts I've made for counter rotating a video clip. I call it
The counter rotating script for video editing
The script is help full if you have a video recording where the camera have been rotated back and forth while recording and you want to stabilize it or counter rotated it either clockwise or counter clockwise back to an almost stable, realistic view-orientation.
Background for the scripts
On the fourth of October 2013 in the city of Aarhus (in Denmark) a good friend of mine took a very hand-held recording of my 20 minutes long solo performance "Stoned" while I performed it live. The pictures were very beautiful, but the camera rotates during filming. If the beautiful recording should be used for something I had to find a way to contra-rotate it so you could watch the video in a fairly horizontal orientation all the way through. It was not only about rotating the video recording from eg landscape to portrait format. That would have been an easy task, but here the rotation had to happen along the way so it hat to be continuously counter-rotated. When I was doing "Dance of a Newsboy" an earlier peace (2012), I spent an incredibly long time to make an a homemade method to zoom in a video sequence which had already been recorded. A reasonably advanced interactive shell script that I think is the coolest piece of programming I have so fare made. As soon as I got my recording of "Stoned" home in October I started "coding". I would expand the old script so it could both rotate and crop the video sequence. Before the process starts I was writing all the "frames" of the video clip out as images. There is a 20-minutes of video recording and there are 24 frames per second. Overall it gets to over 30.000 images. All of these images are now added extra padding at the top and bottom so they are 100 percent square (1280 x 1280 pixels). It provides a good starting point to rotate them. I started to make these scripts back in October and now I'm done with the coding and have started to rotate and crop the thousands of images.
How it all works
The script treat 96 images at a time which corresponds to 4 seconds . The five pictures illustrate the process . What is is not visible from these still images is the dynamic flow from image to image embedded in the script, but the pictures illustrate fairly the steps it goes through. This process can perhaps be compered to steering through a video recording with a flight simulator, if that makes any sense :-). I hope that I can "manage" my way through all 30,500 pictures/frames before December 1 where I will start on an new education.
The original image is "lying down". It is in the format 720p (1280 × 720 pixels)
Herethe pictureismadesquare. A"compass"is put upon the image. An anglevaluecan then beentered for rotation ofthe image. Don't worryyoudo not rotateeach and every imageseparately.The script process96imagesin one operationcorresponding to 4seconds ofvideo.
Nowthe image isupright.
The next phaseis cropping.This isgoverned bya coordinatesystem consisting of alot of smallnumbersinthe image.There is a framethat canbe placedin the imageby enteringthe coordinates ofthe frame'supper left corner.This is not either done for eachimage separate,but for96imagesat a time.Ithas a startingvalueandother value towhere the frameshould endafterthe 96imagesand then the croppingwanders gradually fromone position tothe other overthe 96imagesin one operation.
The finished cropped imageis slightly smaller thanthe original. The format is calledWSVGAandis1024x600 pixels.
A video that demonstrate how it is to work with this script.
If you want to skip the introduction stuff jump to time: 6.27 (on the video timeline)
This blog post presents a small guest book solution that you can implement on your own website. By guest book, I mean: An opportunity for people who visit the website to post comments and read others comments on the page. The solution consists of a single PHP/HTML page and a plain text file to store the written comments.
I have long been fond of making bash shell scripts (Linux) on my computer and so I have a basic understanding of programming. I also tried to code in other languages, but here I have not yet achieved the same level of understanding and skill, therefore I am so proud and happy that I manage to get as much control over the PHP-codes and syntax that I could code this guest book for my website. A guest book that looked and acted like I wanted it. The solution I came up with I would like to share with you whom might be interested. For inspiration for making your own solution or to directly use my solution as it is on your own website.
As I said the guest book only uses one page. It has input facility and the view of previous posts on the same page. It is a completely open guest book, anyone can write in it without lock-inn or registration. Managing the guest book is done by editing the text file in which all messages are stored. This will typically say: Download the file, edit it and upload it again. (If you use Linux/UNIX, you can automate this process by creating a script where you use eg wput and wget to upload and download the file from the server).
I would like to explain the basic principle of the PHP code for this guest book. The trick is that there is an "if-statement" in the very beginning of the PHP-code that says
"If there is something in the variable "post" then add this content to a specified text file. If there is not then just load the specified text file and show it on the page."
When the page loads the first time, there is nothing in the post variable it is not until there is someone who has completed the form and press the submit button underneath that there will be anything ind the "post" variable. Therefore the script simply loading the specified text file and displays it on the page. Now when someone completes the form at press the submit button the page will be loaded one more time but now there is something in the "post variable" and therefore that content is written to the specified text file as stated in the if-statement in the beginning. Then the page is loaded one more time but now the post variable is empty again and therefor we go back to first case scenario where the guest book is simply loaded into the page.
I do not think I can explain the approach as simple and easy to understand as I would like, but I just do want to state that this approach in my opinion, is the guiding principle in the coding of this guest book. This is the principle which makes it possible to receive input from the user and display the guest book content at the same page. The rest of the PHP code is just about retrieving input from the user via an HTML form and adding this input to a specified text file.
If you want to use this guest book solution on you own website you can download the source code to it from here. Your server must support PHP for it to work but the vast majority of servers does that already. The source code is packed as a zip archive so you will have to find a way to unzip it before you can start to work with it.
PHP and HTML in interaction
If you want to use this guest book on your own website it will indeed be nice if it fully integrates into the design of your website. Therefore, I would like to review how you can put the PHP code of the guest book into the HTML code of your own HTML page.
So HTML and PHP are two different types of codes. A little simplistic, one can say that HTML can be used for presentation while PHP can be used for manipulation (actions.. changing things.. etc..). PHP makes it possible that what the user enters will be added to a specified text file where it can be stored and that the file is loaded into the HTML document. HTML makes the design and look of the page. PHP and HTML work very well together. You can put PHP code into the HTML document at (almost) any place in the HTML code. You use a PHP-tag when you want to insert PHP code in the HTML document. The tag looks like this:
<?php ... PHP code ... ?>
Pages which are primarily driven by PHP are often given file extension ".php" although they also contain HTML code. I like to start my PHP pages exactly as I start my HTML pages namely with a DOCTYPE definition and some initial HTML code. The PHP codes I insert further down in the document. I have made a small illustration of how I've sorted my PHP code in relation to my HTML in this solution.
There is a minimal version of the guest book with a minimal amount of HTML code. You can open that file (gbdemostrip.php) in a text editor and select and copy the two blocks of PHP code and the HTML form which is the code between the:
<form method="post" action="">
and the
The two tags included.
and paste them into your pages HTML-code in the appropriate places. After that, all you need to do is to upload the specified text file demoposts.txt and your own PHP/HTML page with the guest books PHP-code to your server then it should work.
The striped down version of the guest book you can download her as a zip fil (you will need to unzip it first) You can download the archive here
I also made a small zip archive with a working demo of the guest book to upload and try out right away on your own server. The archive consists of four files. gbdemo.php, demoposts.txt, demobilled.png and englematch.css. If you upload the four files to your server and go to the file.
with your browser. It would look something like this:
Character encoding is an interesting topic in it self that I do not want to go deeper into here. Here I will just say that the text in your documents no matter whether if it is pure texts or an HTML page or a java script can have different encodings. It is recommended that you use the encoding called UTF-8 because it is the most modern, international and flexible encoding. For some reason I could not get UTF-8 character encoding to work on my server. Therefore I have chosen to go with the older standard called iso-8859-1 so therefore all the elements used for my version of the guest book iso-8859-1 encoded. I just wanted to point this out. It is quite easy to change this if you want to when you have just found out how it works.
I would like to share this with you although I guess it as usual are very few that would have any interest in it. The reason I want to tell you about it is firstly, because I think my solution to this sound balance problem is very unorthodox and fun. Secondly because I think the result was surprisingly good. It still freaks me out a how much I was able to improve the quality or maybe more correct the "perceivability" of the interview.
I have to say that I am a happy Linux user and that this little project is made on a Linux platforms with basic open source software for audio and image processing.
Let's look at the problem.
It is an interview conducted over Skype. And the problem is very simple. One voice is the voice of the woman who ask the questions in the interview. Her voice comes through loud and clear. The other voice is the voice of the woman being interviewed. Her voice comes through so quiet that you can hardly hear it.
Here is a screen shot of the audio file opened with Audacity. It is obvious how one voice gives large fluctuations in the graph while the other ones gives tiny fluctuations in the graph.
I would like to try if I could balance the sound level in the two voices in proportion to each other. The first thing I found out was that I could increase the volume of the quiet voice if I in Audacity (a sound editing program) selected the piece that has low volume and only that piece. That is the piece which I in the illustration here above has identified as the "Voice B". Than after selecting it I ran a so called normalize effect on it. After doing only that the sound of voice B, the one that was so quiet would suddenly come though laud and clear. I was so surprised and happy about this discovery that I made a short video about it.
So therefore, if I could do this all over the interview which lasted about an hour I would probably be getting a fine balanced interview where you could hear both voices. So I started to do that manually and it was a little laborious process and at the same time it was also difficult to make it uniform so I started thinking about whether or not this process could be automated. I looked around for an already existing programs that did this same thing and I found one that was called The Levelator® and I tried it, but for some reason it gave absolutely nothing to my audio file. As I thought more about it, I got a picture in my head that it could be cool if I could make two complimentary soundtrack of the interview, one where only the strong voice is heard and where there is silence on all the parts where the quiet voice is speaking and one where only the quiet voice is heard and where there is silence in all the places where the strong voice is speaking. Then I would be able to open the two soundtracks in Audacety together and be able to treat them individually in relation to each other.
I thought it would be an easy task for a computer sound engineer to make a program that could do that. A program that could register when it was a period of tiny fluctuations in the graph and when it was a period of big fluctuations in the graph. But I am no computer sound engineer. I am not so strong in audio on the computer, but I have worked a lot with images and video on computers and as I thought about it the idea of turning the sound stream in to a video stream started to take form in my mind. The idea that I might be able to make sound into video and the video in to a series of images and then make an algorithm based on measurements of the images.
There are for Linux / Unix a small command line based program for playing audio files. This program is called "play" and it is part of a program suite called SoX which is for command line based manipulation of audio files.
When "play" plays a sound file it also display some meta information while running. It shows a time indicator but it also shows a small sound level indicator.
Now, if I could shoot this little indicator while it was playing the interview with 24 frames per second I would be able to print this video into a series of images which could show exactly how loud the sound is at any given time.
So I hope you are with so far. The idea is that I make a little video recording (screen recording) of the small volume indicator's movement while the interview is playing. This video I print out to a huge amounts images one for each frame in the video recording. Each of these images contains accurate information about how loud the sound is at a given time in the recording. This information can be read from every single image in the series by a human being, but now I want to find a way that the computer also can read or calculate this information on its own so that the process can be automated. There are two parameters that I would like to have the computer figure out. One is a precise time. The second is the state of the sound level indicator at that particular time.
OK first the time parameter because that is the easyest. If I create a script that count its way through the series of images then the number it has reached in the counting can very easely be calculatet to a time messure. There are 24 images per second so you can just devide the number by 24 then you have the time in seconds.
But how do we get the computer to read the sound level indicator?
Netpbm is the name of a package of command-based programs for image manipulation. It is a software I use again and again and therefore I also know its possibilities really well.
I knew that in the netpbm program suite there is a program called "pnmcrop" which can remove all same colored edges of an image. So, if you have a black image with a white star in the middle then "pnmcrop" remove all the black from top, bottom, right, left side of the image until it meets some of the white pixels from the star in the middle. Like this:
Before pnmcrop
After pnmcrop
I also knew that the netpbm program suite had a program that could be used to measure how large an image was in pixels (pamfile).
The neat thing about the netpbm program suite is that all the programs in it are command line programs which means that they can be put into a script and used to automate workflows.
So I record a little video of "play" playing the interview sound file. This can be done by making a screen recording or a screen cast and there is again an excellent command-line program that can be used for this purpose. This program is called ffmpeg.
In the picture below I define the area I want to record of the screen. As you can see, it is a very small area.
When this is written out to images instead of video it produces a huge amount of images (24 per second). The images looks like this.
Now I use pnmcrop on the five images here above to cut all black away from the right and only from the right side the images:
You can see the image are different in width in accordance to the scale of the little volume indicator.
As I said, there is also a program in the netpbm program suite that can measure a picture width in pixels. So now I have all of a sudden a setup that can give me an exact figure for the sound level measured in pixels at an exact point in time. So I would be able to create a simple conditional statement:
If the image is greater than 314 pixels wide than it is voice A speaking. If it is less than 314 pixels wide, it is voice B speaking.
Now 24 time measurements of a second is too high a level of detail for what I want to do so I made a small script that collected the images twelve and twelve. Here I also use a program from the the netpbm program suite in the script to put the images together twelve and twelve (pnmcat).
Now each image represents half a second. It's a little easier to work with and I can still do the same algorithm to crop from the right and measure precisely how the sound level is for just that given half a second.
So I made a few shell script to automate this.
The first script produces a list with exact time measurement for every time the interview switch from voice A to voice B and vice versa.
The script is here if anyone want to see how I make that in practice. (Sorry the comments are in danish. If you don't understand danish you will have to use google translate or analyze the meaning out of the code it self)
The next script takes this list and producer from that the two previously mentioned complementary soundtrack. For this I use SoX and ffmpeg.
Finally I open the two audio tracks in Audacity and adjust them relative to each other and then I mix them down to on track again.
The result has been really good and the process have been really inspiring.
Note to those who wants to experiment with this in practice.
Although I have split the voices into two tracks there are still some transitions where the strong voice patches the weak voice tracks. In particular, I found out that the shift from the strong voice to the weak almost always put a little less than a second of the strong voice on the weak voice track. To counteract this, I tried to move the timeing of all the shifts one second forward in relation to the soundtrack. I did this by removing 24 photos from the start of the process where the many small images is collected twelve and twelve. It was a very easy place to do it because I just need to change a number. The starting point in the script. I just counted that 24 counts up. So if 145 is the image that comes closest to the audio file starting point I will instead start 24 images ahead in the series so that image 169 will be the starting point.
When moveing the timeing of the shifts a second forward in relation to the audio file there ware much less patches from the powerful voice on the weak voice soundtrack, but there was still some. I've found that the best results was achieved by leveling these "spots" into alligenment with the fluctuations of the rest of the track on the quiet voice track. I have done this manually in Audacity. It takes me about 20 minutes to do this manually in an interview lasting about one hour. I zooms into the graph so much that 25 seconds fills my whole Audacity window. Then I use the arrow at the end of scroolbaren in the bottom of the Audacity window to move forward in the soundtrack. As soon as I see a fluctuation which extends above the average very low level on the soundtrack I mark it and use
Effect -> Amplify
To turn down the volume on this place and reach the level of the rest of the track. When I'm done with this process, I have a track where all fluctuations have the same low rate and the board looks quite uniform without anything sticking up in any places. Then I run
Effect -> normalize
on the track. It makes a really strong impact. The entire track is enhanced significantly and so I do not need to do anything alse. The second track, with the powerful voice I don't change at all. When I manually have eliminated all "ridges" in the quiet tracks and run
Effect -> Normalize
on the entire track I can just export the the two tracks together and then I have the finished audio file where the two voices can both be heard loud and clear.